
The Mere Pursuit Of Fame

This is were I spill digital ink

Fight or Flee

I got angry

when she answered that call,

but I promised myself

to never be a caveman.


If you knew my story

you’d know

how tired I am

of fighting over another person.


The woman of my past drained my cravings for drama.


That’ why now I sit here,

wondering if I should fight

or flee.



A vortex

I am one who is tired

of drama and what surrounds it

but I can’t help

feeling a sadness 

that pinches my eyes

and an anger 

that bites my stomach
It all happens too fast
A vortex I don’t know if I like

although who I kid but me

when I know I enjoy it

because it makes me spill this ink


The smell of coffee lets me know

that you are long gone

The pages of your favorite book are left unread

and I just sit here

gazing at the words you underlined

and now I get why


Mr Zatarra

Ever so good

I think twice

before I throw my black Adidas pants

on the floor…

To say the truth, I did

but in my mind I was throwing you,

and I felt uneasy.

A nauseous feeling,

and a stupid guilt.

Then I picked them up,

and I smelled you in them,

ever so good.

And ever so good I wish to be with you.

Good and fair I plan to be 

to you.

Ray of the Sun

How the sky changes and taints

but I can’t see it, because of the smog

How the stars shine above it all

but I can’t reach them, because of your thoughts

that drift me from mine

weakly, weekly, wondering why

The Earth resurrects every now and again

and I am inert, trying to cooperate

not to smother it

Although every step I take defines it

and redefines it

as I make my way away

as I try to linger in a warm and weary

ray of the Sun

when i think of your eyes
lust is what intensifies


You set me a trap a while ago

I knew at once but played the fool

Still crawled back, tried to kiss your toes

Got used to them

Your no, no’s

At Ease

Why we are born and reach

For love
On our knees

Just to teach our tender hearts

To turn to stone and be at ease

Moneda de la Suerte 

Cuando encuentro una moneda en la calle, lo considero de buena suerte; me niego a recogerlo, ya que creo que el simple hecho de haberlo encontrado lo hace un suceso de buena suerte. No creo tener que recogerlo. Prefiero dejarla ahí, para que otras personas la puedan encontrar y se consideren suertudas también.

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